SPOKANE, Wash.—History is a powerful thing if we take time to understand and learn from it. Aaron Dailey is a college history teacher. He shared that Shen Yun Performing Arts is doing a wonderful job of reviving Chinese culture.
“It’s beautiful. There’s nothing like it in the world. The culture, the music,” said Mr. Dailey.
Abigail Dailey, Mr. Dailey’s wife, shared her belief that Shen Yun’s mission is important.
“Very important. I think if we go back to traditional values, we might be a little more social, compassionate, maybe a little bit more happy,” she said.
“They’re definitely missing out on this beautiful art being performed,” said Mr. Dailey.
“That was very sad. And to find out that it’s still happening today is just heartbreaking. So as you may see on the stage, the traditional Chinese culture is very spiritual,” said Mr. Dailey.
Families are being torn apart and people are losing their jobs because the Chinese Communist Party grew jealous of Falun Gong’s popularity and banned the practice in 1999.
‘The one where they took the parents’ daughter. It made me cry. It was just too sad,” said Mrs. Dailey.
“It was really beautiful. I loved the music and all the costumes,” said Mrs. Dailey.
“It flowed. It flowed perfectly. It took me to the physical place, to the location. I loved the fact that it was a real East meets West,” said Mr. Dailey.
Since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006, it has presented a new production every year. And with five millennia of culture to draw from, Shen Yun will never run out of fresh material to bring to life.
“I think by performing it every year, you can definitely spread the values. You can definitely show the importance of them,” said Mrs. Dailey.