“The part when they were showing the communism coming in and tearing away religion and keep people from bettering themselves and saying, ‘no, the state will tell you how to better yourself’—I think we trust too much on a government versus taking responsibility for ourselves and our own well-being,” said John Shetler, a CFO in transportation, after seeing Shen Yun’s one-night performance in Evansville, Illinois on Feb. 1.
“I think it’s excellent. I think that the art really conveys the story that the artist is trying to tell. China and its culture struggles, going up into communism and trying to get the tradition back,” Mr. Shetler commented.
Classical Chinese dance is an ancient form of dance that embodies parts of martial arts and Chinese theater. Using bearing, form, and technique as its three main components, dancers are able to express any emotion with their movements.
“Artistically, the dancing is beautiful. The timing is just spot on.” said Tristan Wedding, who attended the performance with Mr. Shetler.
“It’s been excellent. I’m wondering how the timing is so impeccable, on whenever the characters are landing and then they have a seemingly coming out of the screen so perfectly you almost think they are coming out of the screen. And I’m wondering how they get that timing so perfect. I’m sure it took a lot of practice,” said Mr. Shetler. “It’s so perfect, so well done.”