LONDON, U.K.—Shen Yun Performing Arts gave a stirring performance at London’s Eventim Appollo on Feb. 3. Alexia Gavotaki and Nicolas Koebel discovered the culture of China before communism.
Ms. Gavotaki, an attorney, said, “It’s amazing. It’s very good. Yes, and very interesting. It’s also learning part of the history, which makes it very, very good. And it’s some things we didn’t know before, like the origin of the dance that it’s not really allowed in China.”
Mr. Koebel, CEO of a biotech company, said, “It’s beautiful. It’s very colorful. It’s very joyful. I like the dance, ‘Sleeves of Grace.’”
“I’m always in favor of culture,” Mr. Koebel said. “We should celebrate our history and our culture.”
Ms. Gavotaki agreed. “I’m Greek, so I really understand about ancient cultures. So we are very much in favor of reviving them. We are very traditional and are very pro-culture.”
China, before communism, had a deep connection with the divine, and Ms. Gavotaki said, “The ancient Greeks were very close to the gods as well.”
Mr. Koebel said, “I can’t imagine how many hundreds of hours of preparation this has taken.”
“So congratulations for their hard work and persistence,” Ms. Gavotaki said.