Fort Lauderdale Audience Members Feel the Energy From Shen Yun

Fort Lauderdale Audience Members Feel the Energy From Shen Yun
Gabriela Schaffer and Devora Benchimol(R) at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at the Au-Rene Theatre, on Dec. 31, 2021. Teng Dongyu/The Epoch Times
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.—Sometimes audiences leave a Shen Yun Performing Arts performance saying that they felt the strong energy coming from the stage and the orchestra pit. For two dance professionals, Devora Benchimol and Gabriela Schaffer, they enthusiastically shared their appreciation for Shen Yun.

“[I] can feel [it] in the body, something very very special. I like when the dancer projects to the public, the audience, the energy. And I can feel it!” Ms. Benchimol said.

“And yes that power of ... it’s healing, it’s through the body, through the music, and that’s obvious, it’s very ... we can feel that in the show,” Ms. Schaffer added.

The friends also shared that they appreciated Shen Yun showing femininity and a sweet quality in the women.

“They show what is a woman, the feminine part of ... the power, that’s a very big energy. So this is what I liked the most. There was a sweet, soft movement,” Ms. Benchimol said.

As experts in dance, they were able to see deeper into the choreography of each dance.
“Each scene had a purpose and the energy of the dancers was very suitable concerning the message and what the different scenes tried to give to the audience,” Ms. Schaffer said. “Some were funny, some others were happiness, some others were very spiritual, and I think each different scene or different story had a different message, and different energy. It was very clear. And the dancers were awesome!”
They also elaborated on the values that they saw in the performance. From the message of compassion to the preservation of culture, these were the values that stood out to the two friends.

“The most interesting was that deep message, and that compassion and hope that you transmit,” Ms. Schaffer said.

“To preserve the culture. I think that’s the most important thing nowadays. We are losing what’s important,” she added. “I think it’s the most important thing that they, through the art, can keep connected [with] the people and the culture itself.”

Shen Yun features dances along the 5,00o years of Chinese civilization. Stories are taken from different dynasties and turned into dance. Stories of modern-day China are also frequently seen.

“I know what happened in China, but sometimes I feel that the United States they don’t know what really is China. So I’m very happy that you can show that part of the performance, through the dance, what happened really in China,” Ms. Benchimol said.

Reporting by Teng Dongyu and Maria Han.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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