America Essay Contest: Why Do I Love My Country? A Poem

America Essay Contest: Why Do I Love My Country? A Poem
Crew members hold open the envelope of the balloon Dee IV as they fill it with air from high-powered fans at the start of the 38th annual Steamboat Springs Hot Air Balloon Festival in Steamboat Springs, Colorado on July 13, 2019. Dee IV is one of two balloons that launches at the start of the rodeo each year during the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance by spectators. (Jason Connolly / AFP via Getty Images)
Charity Barry

Why is it that I love my country

And think it best in all the world?

Why do I celebrate her values

And, standing, salute her flag unfurled?

Why do I cherish the Bill of Rights?

Why do I go out and see the lights

Every Fourth of every July

As they let all those fireworks fly

In remembrance of the freedom of America?

Well, I love this land of beauty—

Forever “Home, Sweet Home” to me—

From scenic mile to scenic mile

Stretched out from sea to shining sea

From Niagara Falls, with thunderous quake

Way out to Utah’s Great Salt Lake

And there in the midst, where some call it plain

The sun’s sinking rays illumine fields of amber grain,

Setting fire to the heart of America

I love those guiding beacons

Out on the rocky coasts of Maine

Those trees down in Savannah

All dressed up in their moss of Spain

The fog that vanishes with early morn

The passing breeze through a field of late summer’s corn

A beam of moonlight on Alaskan snow

The Mississippi River’s broad and muddy flow

I love these treasures of America!

I love this finest nation

Not only for its natural splendors,

But like every good American,

I’m grateful for the freedom my Constitution renders

We are free to make petition for our grievance just redress

In peace we may assemble with unobstructed speech and press

And every man as he believes,

May seek his God, his soul relieve

In this, our free America

For the systems of the courts,

Our wise Fathers have laid a foundation fair

For the security of our freedoms

They clearly proved to us they care

For our people to bear arms

The uninfringed right they gave

To preserve equality throughout the land,

They said no man shall be a slave

But surely these freedoms don’t stay with us for free

Every citizen of this nation has immense responsibility

To protect the spirit of America!

Oh, how I'll always love this land

With all our freedoms fiercely bought

By the blood of our great men

Who, unafraid, stood up and fought!

Some passed with honor, died in glory

Some made it home to share the story

Every soldier offers all

To you, to me; from old to small—

The defense of our America

I love the many great examples,

As I look back across the years

Of dedicated men and women

Who have held this country dear

Of folks, in times when conflict reigned

Who persevered, their courage sustained

By the love of country in word and deed

By truly living the American’s Creed,

They have preserved our beloved America

Back in the beginning,

During the Revolutionary War

Washington never gave up,

But endured cold Valley Forge

John Paul Jones refused to surrender

When faced with Britain’s naval host

And “Molly Pitcher” bravely stood

And filled her fallen husband’s post

In 1814, while assisting a friend

Francis Key, on that boat, awaited night’s end

When he saw that flag high

At the breaking of day

He penned our nation’s sweet anthem

As the Brits left the Bay

In the heated battles of the Civil War,

Great leaders stood head to head

While the Yankees and the Rebels

Both fought hard, both mourned their dead

General Grant, a man of “Unconditional Surrender”

Proved to be of the Union a mightily bold defender

While down in Virginia, General Robert E. Lee

Contended bravely for his state, though opposing slavery

These generals of the Union and Confederacy, both the same

Each battled for his duty, lived with honor, not for fame

I love the stories of our valiant troops

From World War I and World War II—

How our boys just kept on fighting

When it seemed impossible, they made it through

Rickenbacker, York, and Pershing,

MacAurthur, Patton, and Doolittle in the sky

On D-Day, Eisenhower’s men kept pushing;

At Iwo Jima, Marines held up our flag to freely fly

And as the years have kept on rolling,

Bringing times of peace and times of strife

I love that even when all’s not perfect,

We have our pursuit of happiness, our liberty, and our life

Because even when terror strikes right here at home,

And our towers fall straight to the ground

We can all band together to clean up the mess

And get in there to finish the round!

Oh, why do I love my country?

Why defend her til I die?

Because I understand her values;

I know what it’s worth for that flag to fly

Oh, why do I love this nation—

Free from tyrant and free from slave?

I dearly love this land of the blood-bought free

Because it’s the home of the world’s finest brave!

Charity Barry is a whole-hearted American from rural Mineral Point, Wisconsin, who has, by God’s grace, been instilled with an appreciation for the valuable sacrifices that have been made to form and preserve this great nation, and who seeks to do what she can to keep ablaze the torch of traditional American values.
This essay was entered in the Epoch Times “Why I Love America” contest.
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
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