LinkedIn Prostitutes: New User Agreement Doesn’t Allow Listing

LinkedIn prostitutes: The social media site updated its user conditions to tell users they may not list escort services or prostitution.
LinkedIn Prostitutes: New User Agreement Doesn’t Allow Listing
Zachary Stieber

LinkedIn prostitutes: The social media site updated its user conditions to tell users they may not list escort services or prostitution.

Under “Don’t undertake the following:”

“Even if it is legal where you are located, create profiles or provide content that promotes escort services or prostitution,” reads the user agreement on LinkedIn.

Apparently, some people have been listing their profession or other areas of their profile as a prostitute, or a massage with some other words indicating more.

The decision has drawn fire from the field. 

Dennis Hof, owner of Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Mound House, Nevada, has a businesses in a state where prostitution is legal.

“Are you then going to shut down Steve Wynn’s casino in Vegas, where gambling is legal?” Hof asked The Huffington Post rhetorically. “Don’t paint me the same as the people who are doing things illegally.”