Global Q&A: ‘Are you satisfied with your quality of life?’

Epoch Times reporters asked locals around the world, “Are you satisfied with your quality of life?”
Global Q&A: ‘Are you satisfied with your quality of life?’
Linda Adamsen, Randers, Denmark

Happiness in work, love, and life, combined with a positive attitude, are important ingredients in shaping one’s quality of life. This is what Epoch Times reporters from Italy to Denmark discovered when they asked locals: “Are you satisfied with your quality of life? Is there anything you’d like to change?”

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Linda Adamsen, Randers, Denmark" title="Linda Adamsen, Randers, Denmark" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-106142"/></a>
Linda Adamsen, Randers, Denmark
Randers, Denmark
Linda Adamsen, 40, Care Director

Overall yes, I am satisfied with my quality of life, and things I’d like to change are not important, like the way I live. However, the more important things I’m very satisfied with.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Peter Henry, Yorkshire, United Kingdom" title="Peter Henry, Yorkshire, United Kingdom" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-106143"/></a>
Peter Henry, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Peter Henry, 48, Company Director

After an accident over 20 years ago, I have spent time taking a degree, and starting and running a business. As a result, I am now fortunate to have a good quality of life. I really appreciate what I have, the people who have helped me attain it, and to have the health to enjoy it. To paraphrase Newton, perhaps a secret of achievement is having a clear goal, constancy of purpose, and a good measure of luck. Any change, not much, but a few more sunny days each summer would be nice.


<a href=""><img src="" alt="Simone Sonza Reorda, Ivrea, Italy" title="Simone Sonza Reorda, Ivrea, Italy" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-106144"/></a>
Simone Sonza Reorda, Ivrea, Italy

Ivrea, Italy

Simone Sonza Reorda, 44, Watch Repairman


I believe that the quality of life is good when you’re happy with what you do. I have a job I like; I learned to repair watches from my grandfather, and I’m passionate about this profession. It is not a job that allows you to make money, rather just enough, but this is not so important. I play the tuba in the local band, and the music gives me some satisfaction. We are destroying this world too quickly, and life is too hectic. It would be nice to have a more peaceful life, and to live in a world cleaner and less chaotic.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="David Chrastina, Zlin, Czech Republic" title="David Chrastina, Zlin, Czech Republic" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-106145"/></a>
David Chrastina, Zlin, Czech Republic
Zlin, Czech Republic
David Chrastina, 39, Teacher

I am certainly satisfied with my life. It depends on the person, oneself, how he decides whether to be happy or not. In reality, we live here in the most prosperous society of the world. If I could change something, then it’d be some issues regarding myself.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Jacqui Larkings, Harrington, Australia" title="Jacqui Larkings, Harrington, Australia" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-106146"/></a>
Jacqui Larkings, Harrington, Australia
Harrington, Australia
Jacqui Larkings, 51, Semi-retired Manager

There’s nothing that I would change in my life. I have a wonderful marriage, fantastic husband; we travel the world. Always some extra money might be nice. But no, there’s nothing that I would change whatsoever in my life. I’m very pleased.





<a href=""><img src="" alt="Udemilson Luiz Ceribelli, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil" title="Udemilson Luiz Ceribelli, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-106147"/></a>
Udemilson Luiz Ceribelli, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil
Udemilson Luiz Ceribelli, 45, Chemistry Technician

I am satisfied with my quality of life. I think that if you are happy in love, you are happy in life. The rest is the rest ... because I have a family, and I think that is the key. Also, I am healthy enough to go after the rest. Being the richest man in the world, having 10 women, and having everything doesn’t matter if you don’t have a healthy body and family. For me, the real man is one who lives 25 years with the same woman.



<a href=""><img src="" alt="Sven Torstensson, Lerum, Sweden" title="Sven Torstensson, Lerum, Sweden" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-106148"/></a>
Sven Torstensson, Lerum, Sweden
Lerum, Sweden
Sven Torstensson, Civil Engineer

I’m pretty happy with my quality of life, and right now, I don’t see the need for any changes. I’m content. It’s just the grayness of everyday life that feels kind of ugly. I’m happy with how I live, and I think I have a pretty good job. Sure, the salary could be higher, but isn’t that always the case?





<a href=""><img src="" alt="Manuela Hinestrosa, Canary Islands, Spain" title="Manuela Hinestrosa, Canary Islands, Spain" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-106149"/></a>
Manuela Hinestrosa, Canary Islands, Spain
Canary Islands, Spain
Manuela Hinestrosa, 63, Housewife

Yes I am. Years ago, doctors found I had a serious illness, and from then on, my life turned into one of fighting against it. Now, I must say that I am in the best physical health I have been in years, and that is why now I can say the quality of my life is the best I can remember in years. That said, I am not ambitious, so there is nothing I want to change. I would like to say that in these years of crisis we have got to have solidarity with the people who suffer.



Veenendaal, The Netherlands
Lisa de Bree, 17, Student

Yes, I’m satisfied with the quality of my life, and there isn’t anything I’d like to change.


Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week’s global question: “Do you think there are deeper reasons behind the natural disasters in the world?”

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