OK Go Just-Released Zero Gravity Music Video Instantly Viral

Petr Svab

Do you remember those guys dancing on treadmills years ago making it into a music video that amassed over 30 million YouTube views? Did you know they were an actual band called OK Go? Have you ever wondered where they are now? Well, they made quite a journey, and their career is now marked with one outrageously awesome video after another.

Their latest music video is their track “Upside Down & Inside Out” filmed inside an airplane simulating a zero-gravity environment.

Intense? Certainly. This is what the plane has to do:

(Public Domain)
(Public Domain)

They made 20 flights to film the video and 58 times someone barfed during the shooting (none of the band members though), OK Go frontman and co-director of the video Damian Kulash shared in an interview on redbull.com.

Here is a behind-the scenes video to the clip:

And here’s the treadmill video that likely made the band a sensation for the first time:

And here are some other remarkable creations of the band:

Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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