New ‘Memo’ App Lets You Rant About Your Thoughts While at Work

Have you ever wished to rant about that annoying co-worker in your office without getting identified? Or are you just looking for an outlet to spill your mind’s thoughts while doing your day job?
New ‘Memo’ App Lets You Rant About Your Thoughts While at Work

Have you ever wished to rant about that annoying co-worker in your office without getting identified? Or are you just looking for an outlet to spill your mind’s thoughts while doing your day job?

The app is geared towards people in the workplace. Users have to verify their affiliation with a company first, either via LinkedIn or a company email.

Enter Memo, a new messaging app that prioritizes its users’ anonymity. It is quite similar to the mobile app Secret, where people can express their thoughts freely without revealing the personal identity.

The app is geared towards people in the workplace. Users have to verify their affiliation with a company first, either via LinkedIn or a company email, before being able to use the service and post in a company group. They are then assigned a random username containing a number and the company name.

Companies are assigned “memo boards” on the app. Users can post something like, “That new guy sure looks gorgeous,” or anything they want to say or express, within the company’s network. Posts can also be shared publicly, but they are only identified by the company the users are working for.

However, the app’s founder, Ryan Janssen of the company Collectively says that there has been pushbacks from companies over the app. He has reportedly received two cease-and-desist letters, and two companies have already blocked emails coming from the app.

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