Marine Secretly Comes Home for Christmas Dressed As Santa–and His Reunion With Dad Is Stunning

Marine Secretly Comes Home for Christmas Dressed As Santa–and His Reunion With Dad Is Stunning
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

United States Marine Chris Kirk decided to make Christmas of 2019 an extra-special occasion by being there in person. Chris decided to surprise his dad, Deputy Chad Kirk, of Denton County, Texas, by arriving home four months earlier than expected.

But that wasn’t all; Chris came home dressed in full festive attire, masquerading as Santa Claus for what would turn out to be an emotionally charged reunion.

As per KWTX, Chris had been deployed out of the country and had not seen his father in two long years. The industrious Marine employed the help of one of his Marine comrades, plus the staff at his father’s office, in order to make his surprise homecoming run seamlessly.

On Dec. 18, 2019, the plan came together. Donning the full Santa suit comprising a red jacket and pants, black belt, bobble hat, and long white beard, Chris headed to meet his dad.

The heartwarming reunion between Chad and his Marine son was shared on the Denton County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. It wasn’t long before the touching moment went viral, spreading love and Christmas cheer to all corners of the internet.

“It was an early Merry Christmas for Deputy Chad Kirk,” the Sheriff’s Office began. “Deputy Chad Kirk had not seen his son, Chris Kirk, for two years. Chris Kirk is currently serving in the United States Marine Corps and has been deployed out of the country.

“Deputy Kirk’s son was able to come home four months earlier than expected and wanted to surprise his father,” the post confirmed. “Thanks to Kirk’s friend, Tyson Delise, who served in the United States Marine Corps alongside Deputy Kirk, we were able to orchestrate the surprise reunion between father and son.”

Sweet photos show the emotional father in his deputy’s uniform losing his composure as he realizes the man beneath the Santa suit is his long-awaited son. The pair’s heartfelt embrace speaks volumes about their close bond.

The Denton County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post captured the hearts of thousands; to date, the post has amassed over 8,600 likes and 2,400 shares. Comments from social media users who were touched by the reunion came in thick and fast.

“I am balling my eyes out,” one person commented. “It doesn’t matter that his son wasn’t a child. That was his daddy and he is home for Christmas! God bless you Sir and thank you for your service. I am so glad you are reunited.”

“What a great pair of peace-keepers,” another user contributed, “dad at home and son in the military. Here’s wishing them the best Christmas ever!”

“Love these Christmas time surprises,” wrote another. “[T]hank you Deputy Kirk for your service to our community and Mr. Chris Kirk for your service to our country. You both are the epitome of what great Americans look like.”

A number of people whose loved ones had served in the military also came forward to offer solidarity, perhaps understanding more than most the profound sacrifice that both father and son had made, and the significance of their reunion.

“I love this! My son is a Marine and the time spent apart is so difficult,” one user commented, adding, “[b]ut that hug when they return is priceless!”

According to the Houston Chronicle, the average length of deployment for a U.S. Marine is 12 months, so Chris’s absence from the family home was longer than most. The holidays, for many people, are just not the same in the absence of loved ones.

It was a Christmas present to remember for Denton County Deputy Chad Kirk, and a homecoming worthy of viral fame for his loyal, loving son.

Louise Chambers is a writer, born and raised in London, England. She covers inspiring news and human interest stories.
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