Party Leader Says Regime Faces ‘Unprecedented Challenges’

China’s communist system is facing unprecedented challenges, according to the regime’s General Secretary Hu Jintao, speaking at a recent symposium.
Party Leader Says Regime Faces ‘Unprecedented Challenges’
General Secretary Hu Jintao. (Prakash Singh/AFP/Getty Images)
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1784307" title="Chinese President Hu Jintao" src="" alt="Chinese President Hu Jintao" width="590" height="363"/></a>
Chinese President Hu Jintao

Before a once-in-a-decade change of power, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party is concerned with the unprecedented challenges faced by the regime.

Hu spoke forcefully about the matter at a recent symposium, saying that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) “is confronted with unprecedented outside challenges,” and that “many urgent problems are appearing among party members and party officials,” according to a report published by state-run Xinhua on July 23.

Hu discussed pushing political reform, but stressed that leadership by the CCP must be maintained. Hu’s speech was widely televised and ran on the front page of state-run newspapers.

Analysts believe that Hu is setting the tone for the Party’s 18th congress and, with all of the crises surrounding the CCP, higher-level officials have realized that reform is imperative.

Current affairs commentator Lin Zixu believes that Hu spoke truthfully. “The CCP is dying; many party officials are trying to find ways to save themselves, and many new members are only joining to seek personal interests,” he said. Lin believes the communist regime now spends more time thinking about how to escape the Party.

Ye Ke, who holds a doctorate in public policy, told New Tang Dynasty Television in an interview that there is a some agreement between the general public and Chinese officials regarding the current state of affairs.

“Currently, it seems that the communist system has reached a dead end. Hu knows very clearly that, not only the general public, but also even CCP members, have this view of the Communist Party. Also, there is a trend toward international re-evaluation of communist ideology. All this makes it very clear that if the Communist Party continues its authoritarian rule, there is nowhere to go,” he said.

Commentator Lin and chair of the Chinese Social Democratic Party, Liu Yinquan, shared Ye’s viewpoint.

“Current public grievances are boiling in mainland China; more and more people are finding out information through various methods and know much more about the fundamental rights that they should have. They are becoming less and less scared, so the CCP’s foundation is getting weaker and weaker. If the CCP continues to employ its past methods to deal with the demands and wishes of the people, its rule in China will not last long,” he said.

However, Lin also thinks that Hu’s words might be a warning to the leftists and supporters of Bo Xilai.

“The CCP should make a decision on Bo Xilai before the Party’s 18th congress,” Lin said. “Hu Jintao is taking this opportunity to warn everyone that Bo Xilai has no chance of regaining any power. Bo Xilai’s cultural-revolution-style Chongqing model is already bankrupt.”

Read the original Chinese article.

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