Grassroots Chinese Anti-Corruption Campaign Draws Panicked Response

Local communist authorities in Hunan Province reacted with panic when numerous posters announcing an anonymous citizen’s anti-corruption campaign were put up.
Grassroots Chinese Anti-Corruption Campaign Draws Panicked Response
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Local communist authorities in a southern-central province reacted with panic when numerous posters announcing an anonymous citizen’s anti-corruption campaign were found in two cities. Over 100 policemen were dispatched to remove the posters within two hours, prompting ridicule from residents at the authorities’ over-reaction.

The posters first appeared along the streets of Lude City and Lengshuijiang City, Hunan Province, early on Dec. 15. Crowds quickly gathered around to read the contents. 

The posters said that corruption among officials in the region is rampant, but any criminal accusations that locals bring against them are futile due to cover-ups. If accusations are brought to higher levels of government, people would be deemed as having illegally filed a petition to a higher office, and sent to a detention or labor camp. 

Instead, the posters called on citizens to contact the author, who goes by the moniker “Guanyintu,” and provide information on instances of corruption, such as bribery, undisclosed private assets, keeping mistresses and illegitimate children, and the private use of government vehicles. At the bottom of the poster was Guanyintu’s contact number.

According to a friend of Guanyintu, a total of 200 posters were pasted on bulletin boards throughout the two cities.

A netizen claiming to be Guanyintu’s friend said that the authorities tried to track him down at his home that evening, forcing him to seek refuge elsewhere. He urged China’s netizens to help watch out for Guanyintu’s safety.  

Read the original Chinese article. 

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