Chris Christie Defends Endorsement to Trump on Fallon’s Tonight Show

Jimmy Fallon poked fun at New Jersey Governor Chris Christie by reprising a joke about the governor’s expression while standing behind Donald Trump during a speech on Super Tuesday.

Jimmy Fallon poked fun at New Jersey Governor Chris Christie by reprising a joke about the governor’s expression while standing behind Donald Trump during a speech on Super Tuesday.

Fallon, on a previous episode, brought out a cardboard cutout of Christie to stand behind Fallon impersonating Trump. With the governor as their guest, Fallon once again brought out the cutout of the docile governor to stand, this time, behind Christie.

I saw you standing behind Trump on Super Tuesday and you looked like you were having a blast.
Jimmy Fallon

“I saw you standing behind Trump on Super Tuesday and you looked like you were having a blast,” Fallon said. “Were you being held hostage at this time?”

Christie took the joke in his stride and explained:

“No, no, no. You know what, this is what you would look like if you were standing behind Jay Leno when he was doing his monologue,” Christie said. 

“If you’re used to talking, it’s awkward not to talk.”

To even the playing field of comic absurdity, Fallon brought out a cardboard version of himself and then asked the New Jersey governor why he chose to endorse Trump and not Ted Cruz or John Kasich.

Christie’s response was concise, “Because he’s better than them.” He deflected before giving any specifics about the endorsements except that he was resistant to being vice president.

“When you’re vice president, that’s basically what you do, right?” He said motioning to the cardboard cutout of himself.