Bloated ‘Monster’ Washes Up in New York

The swollen carcass of a hairless as yet unidentified animal was discovered under the Brooklyn Bridge last weekend.
Bloated ‘Monster’ Washes Up in New York

[video][/video]The swollen carcass of a hairless as yet unidentified animal was discovered under the Brooklyn Bridge last weekend.

The creature has ears and skin like a pig, but instead of hooves, it has claws like a dog or rat. It is about 60 cm (2 feet) long from head to tail.

Local resident Denise Ginley came across the dead creature while walking to a farmers’ market, and later took some photos.

“Is this another incarnation of the Montauk Monster, or just the biggest rat in the city?” Ginley said, according to ninemsn, referring to a strange animal that washed up in northeast New York four years ago and was the subject of much controversy.

“Several other people were looking and taking photos, and everyone had a different opinion about what it was (suggestions included giant rat, dog, pig, monster, and seal),” Ginley added.

“Obviously I thought it was gross, but it was just so strange looking I wanted to get closer ... strangely enough, it did not smell, maybe because it had been in the water so long.”

The New York City Parks Department described it as a “discarded cooked pig,” the New York Daily News reported Thursday.

However, Ginley pointed out that the animal did not have trotters.

“My best guess would be that this is some sort of raccoon or giant rodent,” she said, according to UPI.

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