
Children need to grow up knowing they are loved and special to their families, but that doesn’t make them entitled to everything they want.
The Reader's Turn
I have become aware of a problem that I believe is affecting many people, especially young and middle-aged. That problem is feeling insecure.
John Rosemond, a family psychologist and author of many books and weekly newspaper articles, has often mentioned the change in child psychological treatment. Prior to the late 1960s, children were taught to respect each other and adults. It was frequently said that children should be seen and not heard. This belief in raising children was changed by several child psychologists to a new idea that children are special and are entitled to be treated as such. This changed to how children were disciplined, and they were made to realize how important they are. Of course, this led to many children becoming spoiled brats.
This worked well most of the time, with children believing they were special. Then when these kids grew up and left home to start lives of their own, they suddenly realized they weren’t so special after all. They found out they’re just another human being like everyone else. 
Many middle-aged people today were raised this way and are raising their children to believe they are special and entitled. This has resulted in many insecure people craving attention. Some people work hard to develop skills and personalities that deserve special attention.
For average people to get the attention they crave, they dress and do things to get noticed. For most people, the things they do are normal and accepted in our society. It’s only when they go to extremes that we should be concerned. This is America and we all enjoy our freedoms, but when individuals go to extremes, like tattoos all over their body, legs, arms, and faces, or extreme piercing, or wear clothes extremely tight and revealing or so loose they can hardly keep their pants up, this is for attention. Abnormal hair colors are usually done for notice. This all comes from growing up and then realizing you are not special after all.
Let’s not forget the U.S. senator who campaigned and won his Senate seat wearing a hoodie and shorts. He continued to dress this way while doing his job, even getting his colleagues to pass a resolution allowing him to dress this way. That only lasted a week when the Senate majority voted to have a proper dress code. Do you think this senator was feeling insecure and dressed in a hoodie and shorts to get attention?
In January, The Epoch Times featured a story by a mother, Ida Gazzola, trying to communicate with her children concerning how they dress [”Needed: Teen Fashion Rebels“]. Mom offered advice ”about explaining modesty to teenage daughters."  
Children need to grow up knowing they are loved and special to their families, but that doesn’t make them entitled to everything they want. Children need to learn that they have to be responsible for themselves. Learning to treat others like they want to be treated is very important. If children grow to realize they are normal, then they won’t feel so insecure.
Larry Kane Wyoming
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