Former Dancers ‘Astounded’ by Shen Yun’s Perfection

Former Dancers ‘Astounded’ by Shen Yun’s Perfection
Dean and Corrine Fiorentino attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts concert at the Miller High Life Theatre, in Milwaukee, on Feb. 19, 2023. Charlie Lu/The Epoch Times

MILWAUKEE—“I am astounded … I just cannot believe [the dancers] achievement,” said Corrine Fiorentino, fitness instructor at the YMCA in Racine, Wis.

Mrs. Fiorentino and her husband Dean, a chemical engineer and regional manager for BASF, attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Miller High Life Theatre on Feb. 19.

Both the Fiorentinos are former dancers: Mr. Fiorentino studied ballet and Mrs. Fiorentino competed in Country Western swing and line dancing.

Having an eye for dance technicality, they were both astounded by the beauty and strength of the Shen Yun’s dancers.

“They are amazing,” said Mrs. Fiorentino. “Their fitness ability … they must work out eight to 10 hours a day to get this level!”

With its flips and gentle elegance, classical Chinese dance is one of the most athletic and expressive art forms in the world. Alongside ballet, it is the most comprehensive dance system in the world and requires incredibly demanding, high-level technique.

According to the Shen Yun website, one of the things that audience members often notice is the range and degree of difficulty of classical Chinese dance techniques.

“Looking at their feet, it’s perfect,” said Mr. Fiorentino. “Their body movement … the things that they are doing are incredible!”

Based in New York, Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. Along with folk dances and solo performances, the production presents story-based dances depicting heavenly realms, ancient legends, and modern heroic tales spanning 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture.

According to the company’s website, their performances demonstrate “China before communism.”

The Fiorentinos felt Shen Yun delivered more than just picture-perfect dance.

“I like learning about the [traditional] culture in China,” said Mr. Fiorentino, “and the values that they’re continuing to try and provide to society.”

Reflecting on a dance story that depicts the Chinese Communist Party’s crime of forced organ harvesting from Falun Dafa prisoners of conscience in China, Mr. Fiorentino said he was nearly moved to tears.

“I almost came to tears watching that … and to think that actually still is happening today.”

Reporting by Charlie Lu and Jennifer Schneider.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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